ready to build your

1:1 Counseling


Jennifer has helped me redefine my relationship with food in a manner that is sustainable for life.  No more yo-yo dieting!  No more negativity associated with many diet programs or "diet culture", something I have come to understand better.  The physical difference I have experienced in my body is irrefutable and quite frankly, exciting.  Jennifer has brought to me a whole new way to view food and what has really been amazing is that it really wasn't that hard to do.  If you are ready to improve your eating and your health, Jennifer is an incredibly valuable resource!

Jennifer is truly one of Atlanta's best health care providers!


J recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I needed medication.  I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL, and triglyceride levels.  I was determined to avoid drugs and motivated to change my diet.  Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7%! Cholesterol 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides cut in half 326 to 167; LDL down from 134 to 117; ALT down from 47 to 44.  I love food and Jennifer created a sustainable approach for me and my life.  This gives me the motivation to continue my healthy trend!  Thanks so much for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer.  So grateful I avoided medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!!

I had radical changes in my lab work and avoided medication!

Mary Carol, DECATUR

She is patient, dedicated, knowledgeable, and personable.  I could write a book about how awesome she is.  Jennifer is everything I was looking for in a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and has helped me in changing my stars and becoming the healthy vibrant person I have always been on the inside.  This amazing human will change your life!!!!  Thank you Jennifer!

Jennifer is hands down the best dietitian in Atlanta!


Working with Jennifer changed the trajectory of my life!  Her support and wisdom through eating disorder recovery and making peace with food gave me a deep understanding of my body and health, boosted my confidence, and inspired me to pursue my own career path in food and health.  I wouldn’t be where I am without her and am continually inspired by her work and message.  She goes beyond the surface and is deeply committed to each of her clients.  I highly recommend working with her!

Making peace with food gave me a deep understanding of my body.


Jennifer and I really connected in our first session and she was able to teach me a lot with a few simple but important concepts.  She helped me lose the weight I’d been referred to her to lose, but that was just the beginning.  I feel like I’ve been given the instruction manual on how to eat for my adult body (I was still eating like a teenager) and am not only still losing weight and feeling 15 years younger but my cardiologist has taken me off of statins because my cholesterol has come down to healthy levels.

I feel 15 years younger and my cardiologist took me off statins!


Working with Jennifer has completely redefined my relationship with food.  She is empathetic, patient, and knowledgeable.  She has helped me understand the science of food as fuel for the body, making it simple to choose foods that will make me feel good physically and emotionally. However, she has also helped undo a lot of the brainwashing and negativity that I've felt after buying into years of "diet culture."  Her mindful eating philosophies are game-changers, and her practical solutions help make lasting changes possible.  I'm eternally grateful!

Jennifer's mindful eating philosophies are game changers!

is not with our human species. It is between our bodies and our our food.

Scientific America, September 2013

Perhaps the most important relationship each of us  will ever have


"Can I share a victory with you? I just realized that I haven’t eaten a whole pint of ice cream in front of the TV since we started working together!!!! In January I was crushed at the idea of not being able to eat a whole pint, but I don’t care and don’t even think about it. Yay!!! Thanks for helping me recalibrate my brain. Even last weekend when I was extremely sad/stressed last week, my diet was the least of my concerns. It sounds kind of funny when I think about it now. Why was I so sad to lose an opportunity to make myself feel physically sick? It makes no sense and I was able to get my favorite dessert and thoroughly enjoy a smaller sized portion that didn’t make me sick. I’m a new woman!!!! This is a radical shift from diet culture!" 

"Jennifer's mindful eating philosophies are game changers!  Working with Jennifer has completely redefined my relationship with food.  She is empathetic, patient, and knowledgeable.  She has helped me understand the science of food as fuel for the body, making it simple to choose foods that will make me feel good physically and emotionally.  However, she has also helped undo a lot of the brainwashing and negativity that I've felt after buying into years of "diet culture."  Her mindful eating philosophies are game-changers and her practical solutions help make lasting changes possible. I'm eternally grateful!" 

More success stories

More success stories


Their business name

Caitlin,  MIDTOWN

The other day my friend said to me, “you have such a healthy relationship with food."  It really made me think, you have a lot to do with that, Jennifer!!  It made me reflect how it came to me organically to me after our work together.  You helped me understand eating for nutrition, and guided me to reflect on how certain foods made my body FEEL.  I often thought about how horrible I felt after a meal. Guilty, bloated, uncomfortable, disappointed.  Four years later, I still continue to pay attention to how food affects my satiety level, belly, mood and energy. Your mindful eating has stuck with me through the years!

The best tool Jennifer gave me was to delete negative self-talk!

Their business name


..and Jennifer was a huge help.  It's been stressful enough expecting our first child in the middle of a pandemic, but Jennifer fit me in for an initial consultation right away and checked in with me weekly via Zoom.  Initially, I struggled to get my fasting levels under control, but after working with Jennifer for a couple of weeks, we were able to make good progress.  It was such a relief when my OB told me I didn't need to take metformin or other medication for the remainder of my pregnancy!  I couldn't have done it without Jennifer!

I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 28 weeks pregnant,

Their business name


When I turned 46, I gave myself a wonderful birthday present – an appointment with Jennifer.  I think she is part dietitian, part psychologist!  She understands the psychology of eating and toxic diet culture so well, and she is wonderful about encouraging me every step of the way.  The times that I have felt run down or tired of being mindful, she has really invigorated me and put me back on track.  This is about making positive life changes, and it is natural that my process is going to take some time.  Happily, Jennifer is always there with her positive attitude and insight.  

I'm replacing old diet habits with better mindful ones.

Their business name


Working with Jennifer has been a real life-changer.  I used to struggle to get out of bed and was in a bad mood all day.  I never understood the connection between food and my mood! That changed as my old favorite foods that I lived & died for (organic potato chips or raw chocolate chip cookie dough) lost their appeal as I practiced mindful eating skills.  I discovered that they don’t even taste good anymore and when I ate cookie dough I would have to take a nap – I never connected the dots. Once I got more in tuned with my body it became easy.  Thank you for teaching me, it has totally changed my life!

The common cold is now a thing of the past.

Their business name


when working graveyard, or random times I couldn’t pinpoint the trigger for.  This has been the best thing I could have done for myself to get ahead of my inability to control my eating. She educated me on foods to consider and helped me become more mindful about what I put in my body. She worked with my appointments to accommodate both myself and toddler since I work from home that really means a lot to me.  Two month later and I’m happy to say I’m no longer binge eating. I have a better relationship with food without becoming a slave to a diet sort of lifestyle. I have more confidence in the choices I make and when it’s best for me to eat.  I still enjoy foods I did before just in moderation and mindfully! 

I struggled with binge eating when bored...


Jennifer is absolutely great!  I've been working with her for almost a year and I love her approach.  She's not judgmental at all. She provides guidance and a personalized nutrition plan that is sustainable and doesn't feel like a diet.  Her approach is all about making food choices that feel good to your body and eliminating guilt or shame associated with certain food choices.  Her mindful, intuitive approach has worked for me and as an added bonus, I've lost a lot of weight!

A personalized nutrition plan that doesn't feel like a diet!

Mindful Eating Program

This is chock full of wisdom!

Bariatric Surgery Evaluation

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Initial Consultation

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Need an honest, thought-provoking chat about our human body and weight like you've never heard before? Join the Mindful & Intuitive Tribe {MIT} and get our I Still Want To Lose Weight Guide + Mindful Monday tips dropping like it's hot each week to your inbox! 

I'm curious BUT I Still Want to Lose Weight

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We'll get back to you asap...


- Jennifer Hnat, RDN



Diets are the best way 

The big secret is restrictive diets are the best way 


"I am totally blown away with the nutrition plan you created for me.  YOU GET ME!  Seriously!  Thank you so much.  I am so so grateful to have you helping and supporting me with all of my health issues and undiagnosed disordered eating behaviors from dieting."

"I am totally blown away with the nutrition plan you created for me. YOU GET ME! Seriously! Thank you so much. I am so so grateful to have you helping and supporting me with all of my health issues and disordered eating behaviors from dieting."

Lemme help you tap into your Intelligent Belly Wisdom & crack your Unique Food Code !

Tired of the food + Body struggle?

Nutrition Atlanta is located at:

Atlanta Medical Clinic
197 14th StREET NW
Suite 300
ATlanta, GA 30318

pro tip: save our location in your phone including NW to arrive at correct building - please take the elevator to the 3rd floor. 

Jennifer acknowledges the injustices that indigenous people have experienced and continue to face in the United States. We acknowledge the land that our office occupies as the ancestral and traditional homelands of the Muscogee people. We honor and pay respect to all indigenous people by recognizing their relationship with this sacred land we are privileged to serve our clients on. With deep and sincere reverence, Aho.

:  404-353-3482


Jennifer Hnat, RDN + Mindful Eating Expert

Comparison is the master thief of happiness and joy, 


"After our initial consultation I left feeling we could do some good work together and you were the type of nutritional 'tour guide' I needed, willing to listen and appreciate my feedback or why I may have a different perspective on an issue, whilst simultaneously providing evidence and facts for me to consider for my decision making. This is exactly what I was looking for. So yes, I am excited and look forward to working with you!"

" I've been working with Jennifer for about two years. She is by far the most responsive provider that I have! On top of that, she has helped me open my eyes beyond diet culture/diet mentality that I was trapped in for years. Previously, I would complete Whole 30s, and was stuck in a regimented/restrictive view of food. Working with her has helped me get unstuck, and greatly improve my overall wellbeing."

*in order to honor this client request, their picture is not shown for privacy reasons 

Employee wellness programs are designed to support a holistic approach to wellbeing and can serve as an extension of your team to: improve the health of valuable colleagues, increase productivity, lower medical and health care expenses, reduce absenteeism,
injuries and chronic stress as well as improve overall morale and loyalty. Employees spend a lot of time in the workplace creating a need for mindful eating
solutions to help create work life balance: the foundation for all successful corporations.

Employee wellness programs are designed to support a holistic approach to wellbeing and can serve as an extension of your team to: improve the health of valuable colleagues, increase productivity, lower medical and health care expenses, reduce absenteeism,
reduce injuries and chronic stress as well as improve overall morale and loyalty.
Employees spend a lot of time in the workplace creating a need for mindful eating
solutions to help create work life balance: the foundation for all successful corporations.

with Jennifer Hnat, RDN