repair your relationship
with food

Wanna know more?
Check out our mindful eating program!

The future isn't dieting, it's

Say Buh-bye to diets...

The bonus to unlocking your {IBW} is that you can crack what I also call your Unique Food Code™ or {UFC}. This is how your unique body, belly, brain, and metabolism like to be nourished.  Learn more HERE.

The bonus to unlocking your {IBW} is that you can crack what I also call your Unique Food Code™ or {UFC}. This is how your unique body, belly, brain, and metabolism like to be nourished. Learn more HERE  

A:  Essentially it’s a term I’ve coined that’s like your eating GPS….your innate, internal wisdom that lets you know what, when, and how much to eat. Diets teach us to fear our true hunger cues in order to lose weight. Eventually this disconnection from your {IBW} prevents you from listening to and honoring your authentic hunger and fullness cues.

Studys indicate that restrictive diets lead to overeating, binging, and feeling out of control with food. People who dial into and use their IBW to guide them during meals and snacks can or may or may not lose weight if they tend to overeat or binge.

 The KEY: avoid making this your goal. Focusing on weight loss detaches and disconnects you from this interoceptive wisdom or being able to feel and properly interpret the physical sensations of your body.  We want to reconnect with that wisdom that is inside of you which can help some people find their body's easy-to-maintain-without-restrictive-dieting weight!


get the facts


Jennifer S, Atlanta

Jennifer S, Atlanta

The fact that you are viewing the Nutrition Atlanta website demonstrates your interest in wellness. I am here to say that you have landed at the right place. My experience with Jennifer Hnat has been transformational for my life. I must admit, before meeting with a nutritionist, I was skeptical about committing to a possible long-term regimen to improve my health. But, immediately following my first consultation with Jennifer, I was blown away! It was incredible to have someone truly listen to my needs. Offering practical, personalized guidance, she made me feel empowered to take charge of my wellbeing. Her holistic approach to nutrition is uniquely refreshing. It’s hard to believe that almost two years have elapsed since my initial visit to Nutrition Atlanta. Yet, I do not regret making this pivotal choice for my personal welfare and prosperity. But you shouldn’t simply take my word for it. I challenge you to take the first step: schedule a consultation with Jennifer Hnat. Your future self will thank you later.
With love and gratitude,"

The fact that you are viewing the Nutrition Atlanta website demonstrates your interest in wellness. I am here to say that you have landed at the right place. My experience with Jennifer Hnat has been transformational for my life. I must admit, before meeting with a nutritionist, I was skeptical about committing to a possible long-term regimen to improve my health. But, immediately following my first consultation with Jennifer, I was blown away! It was incredible to have someone truly listen to my needs. Offering practical, personalized guidance, she made me feel empowered to take charge of my wellbeing. Her holistic approach to nutrition is uniquely refreshing. It’s hard to believe that almost two years have elapsed since my initial visit to Nutrition Atlanta. Yet, I do not regret making this pivotal choice for my personal welfare and prosperity. But you shouldn’t simply take my word for it. I challenge you to take the first step: schedule a consultation with Jennifer Hnat. Your future self will thank you later. With love and gratitude."

"Immediately following my first consultation I was blown away...

"Immediately following my first consultation I was blown away...

more success storieS


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mad Love from our Clients

Mad Love from our Clients


Reconnecting with your Intelligent Belly Wisdom {IBW}™ is a game-changer! Instead of listening to others on what, when, and how much to eat, you tune inward and become your own food guru!

Discover your {IBW}

9 Key Benefits of Mindful & Intentional Eating


Your Unique Food Code™ is how your individual belly and metabolism prefer to be nourished.  Tune into your {IBW} to crack your own UFC. Honoring your food code creates a happy belly and body.

Crack your UFC


Restricting our fave foods leads to food obsession!  Mindful + intentional eating helps you learn portion sizes that feel good for YOU without feeling deprived or out of control with any foods.

Crush food cravings


A radical shift from eating boring diet foods you don't enjoy to lose weight.  Learn how to adopt an "all foods can fit" philosophy, eat your fave foods in portions that are satisfying and joyful!!!

Experience food joy!


Low self-esteem + body dissatisfaction can drive us into the toxic arms of trendy diets. Tap into your {IBW}, honor your UFC to nourish yourself better, and feel better about your food choices. 

Boost self-esteem


Guilt tastes NASTY!  It stems from the diet cycle of restrict-overeat/binge-repeat that causes horrible food guilt.  You are not "bad" for eating a cupcake or "good" because you ate kale. Food is just FOOD.

Eat food without guilt!


Studies show the more diets you go on, the higher your risk for developing an eating disorder (ED). Yikes!  Mindful + intuitive eating is the medical nutrition therapy for ALL disordered eating behaviors and ED's!  Say bye-bye...

Say adios to ED's


Food rules = zero food peace.  By learning how to give yourself unconditional permission to eat, you find your food sweet spot and stop fearing it!!!

Cultivate food peace


Yup, it might feel like a stretch now, but when you dial into your {IBW} and nourish your body, you feel better in your skin. Clients start to appreciate their body more than ever.

Hiya body love!

We've all tried diets and failed. But it's not you, it's the deprivation and psychology of diets that fail us. This one decision to invest in yourself and repair your relationship with food and your body is the biggest game changer if you're willing to commit and do the work!

Will this really work for me?

Look, I get it. We buy into this belief that our self-worth is tied to our weight. Your weight will fluctuate throughout your life both on and off a diet. When you delete the diet messages and reconnect to your inner wisdom {IBW™} you never have to diet again.  I promise! 

Interesting but.... I want to lose weight? 

This is so frustrating. If you can commit to your food journey for a solid year of effort, undoing all the diet beliefs and food behaviors, you will discover that you can cultivate a balanced approach towards nourishing your body. It takes time and effort, but radical recovery is possible and absolutely happens. 

I have tried everything and nothing works. 

I feel like I have tried everything and nothing works. 

Intuitive eating is a non-diet framework similar to mindful eating but with a focus on deleting diet and restrictive eating behaviors.  Combining mindfulness + intuitive eating is the perfect partnership to repair your relationship with food and will reconnect you with your IBW™ so you can crack your Unique Food Code™.  

What is Intuitive Eating? 

Diets create a toxic good food vs. bad food belief system. You don't allow yourself to eat the "bad" food you love unless you're off your diet. It's backwards and creates a distrust with your body. But you can learn to take your power back with all food and find peace!

I don't trust myself around food.

Mindfulness is a way to observe your personal habits in real time, replacing judgment or expectation with curiosity and acceptance.  It's a way to see unconscious eating behaviors or habits to empower you to change if they feel unbalanced.  This helps you recognize current eating patterns you want to change to feel more food peace.

What is Mindful Eating?  


Sounds intriguing but... 

Need an honest, thought-provoking chat about your body and weight like you've never heard before? Join the Mindful & Intuitive Tribe {MIT} and get our I Still Want To Lose Weight Guide + Mindful Monday tips dropping like it's hot each week to your inbox! 

I'm curious BUT I Still Want to Lose Weight

FREE Guide!


Lenzie, Atlanta

Lenzie, Atlanta

and nuts for breakfast!  Three years ago all of those foods would have been sworn off due to too being much (insert diet restriction and "Intermittent Fasting")... it was so nice to be eating breakfast with carbohydrates and dairy and some sugar without feeling food guilt!  You helped me so much with that through your Mindful Eating Program and Elevate Support Group that I thought of you while eating and recognizing the positive changes that have taken place with my relationship with food.

for breakfast!  Three years ago all of those foods would have been sworn off due to too being much  (insert diet restriction and "Intermittent Fasting")... it was so nice to be eating breakfast with carbohydrates and dairy and some sugar without feeling food guilt!  You helped me so much through your Mindful Eating Program and Elevate Support Group that I thought of you while eating and recognizing the positive changes that have taken place with my relationship with food."

"I was sitting on the front porch at 8am eating a bowl of yogurt with granola 

"I was sitting on the front porch at 8am eating a bowl of yogurt with granola and nuts



And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mad Love from our Clients

Mad Love from our Clients

- Huff Post UK 

the average 45-year old woman has been on 61 diets since the age of 16.

Need more proof that diets don''t really work?

Gwyneth Paltrow is promoting a book, Intuitive Fasting, by Dr. William Cole (ps: he is not a medical doctor or physician). Don't be fooled, this is diet culture co-opting intuitive eating which is dangerous. Two words that should NEVER be juxtaposed: intuitive + fasting. 

The irony is it was released during National Eating Disorders Association Awareness week. Intentional fasting is the opposite of tuning inward and listening to the Intelligent Belly/Body Wisdom™. I do believe in tapping into the natural rhythms of the body and giving the digestive system a proper 12-hour break between dinner and breakfast (like our ancestors did) if it makes sense for your body.

But ignoring true hunger cues is dangerous, especially packaged up as a new health-ism term that is really a glamorized, restrictive diet book pretending not to be.

Intuitive Fasting is a DIET

Studies show that corporate wellness programs can increase employee productivity while reducing overall health and insurance costs.

We have almost 10 years of nutrition wellness experience working with a wide variety of clientele. 

Our mission is to transform your valuable colleagues into happier, more productive, "stress=less" individuals by cultivating healthy mindful eating and lifestyle strategies that result in increased morale as well as a fresh, progressive, and vibrant corporate culture.                           

Wellness in the Workplace

Wellness in the Workplace

Nutrition Atlanta

LEARN more


I started out super motivated to start some of Jennifer’s plant-based recipes, but when I started to make my menu, I realized a sense of dread would come over me. When I explored this feeling, I realized I am not used to spending real time preparing vegetables. Sure, I will spend 30-90 minutes prepping an entree, but vegetables are another story. Preparing vegetables, to me, was throwing a bag of green beans in the microwave, and maybe placing them in a bowl, some days maybe not… The negative feelings around plant based recipes made me realize I needed some plant literacy, and I am so glad I scheduled a 90-minute kitchen prep session with Jennifer! It was a joy because 1) she is joy and 2) I became much more comfortable with vegetables. Now the idea of new unknown vegetables and fruits feels like an exploration. And I can already tell this reframe is going to be life changing! I was surprised to find the recipes much simpler than I anticipated. Also, simply knowing Jennifer is out there gathering vegetables, mindfully preparing them makes me want to follow in her suit!  Every session is filled with a new reframe or tool to move me towards health in my relationship with food. Working with Jennifer has been the best gift to myself. I almost don’t want to say gift because it feels so necessary. I wish everyone could work with Jennifer so they could experience the joy of the mindful eating journey.

"I started out super motivated to start some of Jennifer’s plant-based recipes, but when I started to make my menu, I realized a sense of dread would come over me. When I explored this feeling, I realized I am not used to spending real time preparing vegetables. Sure, I will spend 30-90 minutes prepping an entree, but vegetables are another story. Preparing vegetables, to me, was throwing a bag of green beans in the microwave, and maybe placing them in a bowl, some days maybe not… The negative feelings around plant based recipes made me realize I needed some plant literacy, and I am so glad I scheduled a 90-minute kitchen prep session with Jennifer! It was a joy because 1) she is joy and 2) I became much more comfortable with vegetables. Now the idea of new unknown vegetables and fruits feels like an exploration. And I can already tell this reframe is going to be life changing! I was surprised to find the recipes much simpler than I anticipated. Also, simply knowing Jennifer is out there gathering vegetables, mindfully preparing them makes me want to follow in her suit!
Every session is filled with a new reframe or tool to move me towards health in my relationship with food. Working with Jennifer has been the best gift to myself. I almost don’t want to say gift because it feels so necessary. I wish everyone could work with Jennifer so they could experience the joy of the mindful eating journey."





Weight Inclusivity Statement

Weight Inclusivity Statement


"I've been working with Jennifer for about two years. She is by far the most responsive provider that I have! On top of that, she has helped me open my eyes beyond diet culture and diet mentality that I was trapped in for years. Previously, I would complete Whole 30s, and was stuck in a regimented/restrictive view of food. Working with her has helped me get unstuck, and greatly improve my overall wellbeing."

" I've been working with Jennifer for about two years. She is by far the most responsive provider that I have! On top of that, she has helped me open my eyes beyond diet culture/diet mentality that I was trapped in for years. Previously, I would complete Whole 30s, and was stuck in a regimented/restrictive view of food. Working with her has helped me get unstuck, and greatly improve my overall wellbeing."



Exercise is a celebration of what your body can do, 

Success doesn't happen overnight so let's get started and tap into your
{IBW} so you can crack your Unique Food Code™ asap!  Get ready to
experience legit food freedom and body peace!

Ready to work with me?


The title of "Registered Dietitian" (RD) and "Registered Dietitian Nutritionist" (RDN) can only be used by an individual who has completed the required education and clinical training, national board certification, as well as state licensure requirements. Informal titles such as Nutritionist or even Clinical Nutritionist do not require the rigorous training in order to become an accredited dietitian who uses evidence-based medical nutrition therapy and nutrition counseling tailored to meet each client's individual needs. 


"registered dietitian" and "registered dietitian nutritionist" are protected titles 

Weight Inclusivity Statement


Life is too short to be at war with food and your body! Working with Jennifer during the Mindful Eating Program has changed my relationship with food! I nourish my body and listen to what I truly need and want instead of grabbing for whatever is there or my usual go to food. I don't judge my food choices or have to eat everything on my plate anymore. I eat when I know I need to nourish my body when I'm hungry and eat what I want in moderation. This is a BIG change. Food is my friend, not my enemy. I don't eat perfect mindfully; that's ok. I'm continuing to learn. Mindful eating skills are gifts that keep on giving and teaching as I go along this wonderful journey! If I could sum up mindful eating in one word, it would be

"Life is way too short to be at war with food and your body.  Working with Jennifer during the 30-Day Mindful Eating Challenge has changed my relationship with food! I nourish my body and listen to what I truly need and want instead of grabbing for whatever is there or my usual go to food. I don't judge my food choices or have to eat everything on my plate anymore. I eat when I know I need to nourish my body when I'm hungry and eat what I want in moderation. This is a BIG change. Food is my friend, not my enemy. I don't eat perfect mindfully; that's ok. I'm continuing to learn. Mindful eating skills are gifts that keep on giving and teaching as I go along this wonderful journey! If I could sum up mindful eating in one word, it would be total FOOD FREEDOM!"



Lemme help you tap into your Intelligent Belly Wisdom & crack your Unique Food Code !

Tired of the food struggle?

Nutrition Atlanta is located at:

Atlanta Medical Clinic
197 14th StREET NW
Suite 300
ATlanta, GA 30318

pro tip: save our location in your phone including NW to arrive at correct building - please take the elevator to the 3rd floor. 

Jennifer acknowledges the injustices that indigenous people have experienced and continue to face in the United States. We acknowledge the land that our office occupies as the ancestral and traditional homelands of the Muscogee people. We honor and pay respect to all indigenous people by recognizing their relationship with this sacred land we are privileged to serve our clients on. With deep and sincere reverence, Aho.



"I just wanted to say "Thank You!" I went to the Freedom Farmer's Market today and it was awesome. Like another step to an amazing lifestyle. I got the broccolini and beets with leaves. It's the little changes that I am really proud of. Continuing to make wise choices in alignment with my health conditions and optimal health." 

"I just wanted to say "Thank You!" I went to the Freedom Farmer's Market today and it was awesome. Like another step to an amazing lifestyle. I got the broccolini and beets with leaves. It's the little changes that I am really proud of. Continuing to make wise choices in alignment with my health conditions and optimal health." 

*in order to honor this client request, their picture is not shown for privacy reasons 

leads to obsessive thoughts about food, food, and MORE food!

Research shows how dieting and restrictive eating