Mindful Eating is a weight inclusive practice that is the antithesis of deprivation diets.  It's about learning how to trust and accept and listen to the internal messages from our Intelligent Belly/Body Wisdom™ while fostering a deeper reverence for our bodies so we can be in the moment with food, enjoy our eating experience and extract pleasure from nourishing our bodies.  When we listen to the body wisdom, it will tell us when, what, how much, and where to eat.  Many times we're running on autopilot; mindfulness helps us dial back into our own wisdom and learn how to feel in charge of food instead of feeling out of control.  Read more to get inspired...

Mindful Eating is a weight inclusive practice that is the antithesis of deprivation diets. It's about learning how to trust and accept and listen to the internal messages from our Intelligent Belly/Body Wisdom™ while fostering a deeper reverence for our bodies so we can be in the moment with food, learn about our eating behaviors and beliefs that drive our habits, and put some mindful space between our automatic food reactions. By cultivating mindful eating skills, you reconnect with the wisdom of your body to help guide your food decisions: when, what, where, and how much to eat.  May these success stories inspire you to expand the possibilities about your mindful journey so that you can start to have peace with food and balance within your body. We all deserve to have a supportive and nourishing relationship with food without dieting and deprivation. Learn how to find your sweet spot with food and adopt an "all foods can fit" philosophy by replacing unsustainable diet behaviors with more mindful and intentional ones, dialing into your smarty-pants body and feeling in charge of food instead of feeling out of control. The real wisdom you want to devote your time and energy to is tucked inside of your body, not the latest trendy diet.

 Mindful Eating Program Success Stories

Mindful Eating Program
Success Stories

Kelley West Midtown

Kelley, West Midtown

(or any program like it) and I cannot say enough good things about it! I was skeptical of a  program or "challenge" because I have a history of disordered eating and "challenging" myself in all the wrong ways- how little can I eat, how much can I exercise, etc. Needless to say, all of these kinds of challenges or changes I created for myself backfired and caused me to have an unhealthy relationship with food, exercise, and my body. The hard part is that I love food and exercise and so I needed to find a way to mend my relationship with them. Notice I did not mention also loving my body... that is a tough one for me. BUT every day since the Mindful Eating Program began I have held my stomach and thanked it for letting me digest all of this yummy food and carrying my perfect daughter. Instead of pinching the parts I do not like or doing a double-take in the mirror, I can now show myself love and compassion. This program is about so much more than food. For me, it has given me foundational skills to start towards a healthier relationship with myself and become the mom I want to be for my daughter."

(or any program like it) and I cannot say enough good things about it! I was skeptical of a "challenge" because I have a history of disordered eating and "challenging" myself in all the wrong ways- how little can I eat, how much can I exercise, etc. Needless to say, all of these kinds of "challenges" I created for myself backfired and caused me to have an unhealthy relationship with food, exercise, and my body. The hard part is that I love food and exercise and so I needed to find a way to mend my relationship with them. Notice I did not mention also loving my body... that is a tough one for me. BUT every day since the program began I have held my stomach and thanked it for letting me digest all of this yummy food and carrying my perfect daughter. Instead of pinching the parts I do not like or doing a double-take in the mirror, I can now show myself love and compassion. This program is about so much more than food. For me, it has given me foundational skills to start towards a healthier relationship with myself and become the mom I want to be for my daughter."

"This was my first time completing the Mindful Eating Program... 

"This was my first time completing the Mindful Eating Program... 


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mindful Success Stories!

Mindful Success Story!

Shelly, Canada

Shelly, Canada

I didn't know what to expect getting into this Mindful Eating Program. You hear "mindfulness" and know the basics, however this journey with you Jennifer really opened my eyes. Now I see my food triggers and I'm not afraid to dive deeper to the roots. This program has given me a better connection to my body and my emotions when it comes to food. It's comforting to know you share your journey. Your empathy and compassion taught me to be much kinder to myself.  I have a greater appreciation for life all due to your transformational program. Thank you!"

I didn't know what to expect getting into this Mindful Eating Program. You hear "mindfulness" and know the basics, however this journey with you Jennifer really opened my eyes. Now I see my food triggers and I'm not afraid to dive deeper to the roots. This program has given me a better connection to my body and my emotions when it comes to food. It's comforting to know you share your journey. Your empathy and compassion taught me to be much kinder to myself. I have a greater appreciation for life all due to your transformational program. Thank you!"

"I now have a better connection to food, my body, and emotions.


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mindful Success Stories!

Mindful Success Story!

Jan, Canton

Jan, Canton

For the first time in my adult life, I am feeling there is hope for me to overcome my unhealthy relationship with food. I think I will need to repeat this program throughout the year to finally overcome my disordered eating patterns and feel happy and spiritually free around food."

For the first time in my adult life, I am feeling there is hope for me to overcome my unhealthy relationship with food. I think I will need to repeat this program throughout the year to finally overcome my disordered eating patterns and feel happy and spiritually free around food."

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mindful Success Stories!

Mindful Success Story!

Lisa, East Point

Lisa, East Point

Because I finally, finally have a sense of peace around food.  I can have tempting treats in my house without them calling my name. What a miracle!  I didn't think this could be possible after struggling on/off diets for forty years (ever since I was eight).  It's hard for me to realize that was my life for so long but I'm happy to feel like I'm getting on the other side of the food struggle now.  I wasn't really sure what mindfulness was and didn't think I was born with "intuitive wisdom" but the mindful skills started to help me pinpoint habits that I created from the anxiety and emotional triggers that plagued me.  I've learn so much about myself and food during this Mindful Eating Program!"

Because I finally, finally have a sense of peace around food. I can have tempting treats in my house without them calling my name. What a miracle! I didn't think this could be possible after struggling on/off diets for forty years (ever since I was eight). It's hard for me to realize that was my life for so long but I'm happy to feel like I'm getting on the other side of the food struggle now. I wasn't really sure what mindfulness was and didn't think I was born with "intuitive wisdom" but the mindful skills started to help me pinpoint habits that I created from the anxiety and emotional triggers that plagued me. I've learn so much about myself and food during this Mindful Eating Program!"

"This Mindful Eating Program is the best gift I've given myself!


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mindful Success Stories!

Mindful Success Story

Mindy, North Carolina

Mindy, North Carolina

I finally started to realize I was always eating seconds and thirds, finishing bottles of wine in a few days and this was not normal. It was so difficult to admit to myself let alone admit to others that I binge eat, regardless how normal it may be. I was mostly eating well, eating adventurously, tons of fruits and veggies, and meal prepping but falling back into those habits of dictating what I could and couldn’t eat. I realized to be truly self-disciplined my body had to be the one to dictate my hunger instead of my brain trying to control my hunger. I still have a long long way to go in mindful eating practices but this Mindful Eating Program has been so useful and eye opening. I’m pretty sure I used to not chew my food. The fact that I can have anything I want is liberating! Not anything I want as long as I don’t exceed certain calories (diet belief) but anything I want as long as I listen to my body (intuitive eating). My mind still has a tendency to try to take over the rest of my body dictating what I want. I am so thankful for you Jennifer and this challenge. It is truly counter-culture and goes against my Type A nature of wanting to lean on science and control everything via my brain. This is sustainable, I can feel it. I enjoy my meals that I spend planning and prepping, and I’m becoming less scared to have things like pizza and ice cream hanging out in my house. This is a big positive shift!”

I finally started to realize I was always eating seconds and thirds, finishing bottles of wine in a few days and this was not normal. It was so difficult to admit to myself let alone admit to others that I binge eat, regardless how normal it may be. I was mostly eating well, eating adventurously, tons of fruits and veggies, and meal prepping but falling back into those habits of dictating what I could and couldn’t eat. I realized to be truly self-disciplined my body had to be the one to dictate my hunger instead of my brain trying to control my hunger. I still have a long long way to go in mindful eating practices but this program has been so useful and eye opening. I’m pretty sure I used to not chew my food. The fact that I can have anything I want is liberating! Not anything I want as long as I don’t exceed certain calories (diet belief) but anything I want as long as I listen to my body (intuitive eating). My mind still has a tendency to try to take over the rest of my body dictating what I want. I am so thankful for you Jennifer and this challenge. It is truly counter-culture and goes against my Type A nature of wanting to lean on science and control everything via my brain. This is sustainable, I can feel it. I enjoy my meals that I spend planning and prepping, and I’m becoming less scared to have things like pizza and ice cream hanging out in my house. This is a big positive shift!”

"After eating yet another entire pizza solo throughout an evening early in the year...


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

 Mindful Success Story!

Mindful Success Story!

Rebecca, California

Rebecca, California

Eating as an antidote to stress or boredom, whether or not I'm hungry, often eating until the point of being overfull (mostly in restaurants or social situations). The mindful skills helped me understand my eating behavior drivers and stop them, while still enjoying food more than ever! The mindful principles I adopted have enabled me to eat more healthfully and truly enjoy food on another level. PS: I did this program to develop a healthier relationship to food rather than to lose weight, but I did notice my clothes getting a lot bigger. Wow, a big shift is I learned how to pay attention to my body and (most of the time) eat when I’m hungry, and stop before I am stuffed. Double wow!"

Eating as an antidote to stress or boredom, whether or not I'm hungry, often eating until the point of being overfull (mostly in restaurants or social situations). The mindfulness skills helped me understand my eating behavior drivers and stop them, while still enjoying food more than ever! The mindful principles I adopted have enabled me to eat more healthfully and truly enjoy food on another level. PS: I joined this program to develop a healthier relationship to food rather than to lose weight, but I did notice my clothes getting a lot bigger. Wow, a big shift is I learned how to pay attention to my body and (most of the time) eat when I’m hungry, and stop before I am stuffed. Double wow!"

"I have struggled with sugar cravings for most of my life. 


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mindful Success Story!

Mindful Success Story!

Eric, Marietta

Eric, Marietta  

I have to clear my mind, focus in on the food, intentionally eat mindfully, and concentrate on incorporating my personal mindful eating guidelines. I’m more appreciative for what my body goes through each day and have more gratitude for the food I eat and it’s role in my health, energy, and vitality!!! I have to continue focusing on the food I am eating and what I am doing while eating to not slip into mindless eating. We all lead busy lives and can easily let the troubles of our lives slip into this moment. We have to be focused from the beginning until the end and listen to our cues. We have to make ourselves a priority every once in a while. It is not selfish, it is necessary! Go the extra mile and do this Program!!!"

I have to clear my mind, focus in on the food, intentionally eat mindfully, and concentrate on incorporating my personal mindful eating guidelines. I’m more appreciative for what my body goes through each day and have more gratitude for the food I eat and it’s role in my health, energy, and vitality!!! I have to continue focusing on the food I am eating and what I am doing while eating to not slip into mindless eating. We all lead busy lives and can easily let the troubles of our lives slip into this moment. We have to be focused from the beginning until the end and listen to our cues. We have to make ourselves a priority every once in a while. It is not selfish, it is necessary! Go the extra mile and do this program!!!"

"This Program has made me cognizant of what is going on before I eat.


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mindful Success Stories!

Mindful Success Story!

Aly, Midtown

Aly, Midtown

Learning to be mindful and pay attention to my personal food cues has made me care about what I put in my body. Before it was all about ease and taste. Now it's about listening to what my body really wants and NEEDS. I actually dropped 7 pounds in 2 weeks (Jennifer stresses NOT to use this as a weight loss program, this is a bonus side effect of tuning into her concepts of the Intelligent Belly Wisdom™ and cracking my Unique Food Code™). I've just been thinking about how I eat a lot and have practiced and integrated every mindful eating skill. It's been a total GAME CHANGER so I bought one for my mom as a Christmas gift since she heard about the positive changes with my eating behaviors. After doing the program, now she wants to buy it as a gift for my dad too!"

Learning to be mindful and pay attention to my personal food cues has made me care about what I put in my body. Before it was all about ease and taste. Now it's about listening to what my body really wants and NEEDS. I actually dropped 7 pounds in 2 weeks (Jennifer stresses NOT to use this as a weight loss program, this is a bonus side effect of tuning into her concepts of the Intelligent Belly Wisdom™ and cracking my Unique Food Code™). I've just been thinking about how I eat a lot and have practiced and integrated every mindful eating skill. It's been a total GAME CHANGER so I bought one for my mom as a Christmas gift since she heard about the positive changes with my eating behaviors. After doing the program, now she wants to buy it as a gift for my dad too!"

"This Program has been a total food game changer!

"This program has been a total food game changer!


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mindful Success Stories!

Mindful Success Story

       FROM JENNIFER: I can "Hnat" stress this enough, your weight will naturally fluctuate throughout your life. If you come into the Program expecting weight loss, you can be disappointed with your results. This Program is not designed for weight loss but it can happen to some people based on their current eating habits. This is perhaps the most crucial aspect of the work I do with clients to understand the long-term damage weight loss expectation can do. The goal is to listen to and honor your body which might influence your weight... or not.

Batoul, Brooklyn

Batoul, Brooklyn

This Mindful Eating Program has completely changed the way I eat and approach meals.  For the first time in ages, I sit down at a table with no distractions. I focus entirely on my meal, savoring even the simplest food as if I was eating in a fancy restaurant.  I don't feel obliged to finish what's on my plate anymore.  I stop eating when my stomach tells me it's full (hello Intelligent Belly Wisdom) and pack up any leftovers for my next meal. By following the hunger cue learned in the Program, I feel more energetic and less stuffed after meals!  I feel like I recovered the full pleasure of eating, even for simple foods!"

This Mindful Eating Program has completely changed the way I eat and approach meals. For the first time in ages, I sit down at a table with no distractions. I focus entirely on my meal, savoring even the simplest food as if I was eating in a fancy restaurant. I don't feel obliged to finish what's on my plate anymore. I stop eating when my stomach tells me it's full (hello Intelligent Belly Wisdom) and pack up any leftovers for my next meal. By following the hunger cue learned in the program, I feel more energetic and less stuffed after meals! I feel like I recovered the full pleasure of eating, even for simple foods!"

"Now I feel energetic and less stuffed after meals! 

"Now I feel energetic and less stuffed after meals! 


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mindful Success Stories!

Mindful Success Story!

Kelly, Smyrna

Kelly, Smyrna

Total game changer already! I just wanted to tell you that I had my first family dinner with my parents, spouse, and 8-month old daughter last night. Usually this would have been high stress for me leading to really fast and mindless eating. Last night though I was the last one done with my meal, savored every bite, and got to actually enjoy the meal. What a gift!!! Truly has never ever happened before and we’re only a week into it! WOW!"

Total game changer already! I just wanted to tell you that I had my first family dinner with my parents, spouse, and 8-month old daughter last night. Usually this would have been high stress for me leading to really fast and mindless eating. Last night though I was the last one done with my meal, savored every bite, and got to actually enjoy the meal. What a gift!!! Truly has never ever happened before and we’re only a week into it! WOW!"

"I am LOVING this Program!


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mindful Success Stories!

Mindful Success Story!

AK, Brookhaven

AK, Brookhaven

The best gift I’ve given myself is the Mindful Eating Program because I finally, finally have a sense of peace around food. I can even have tempting treats in my house without them calling my name! What a miracle, I didn’t think this could be possible after struggling with diets since I was 8 years old. I was the “chubby” one in my family and was always on or off diets for over 40 years. It’s hard for me to realize that was my life for so long, but I’m happy to feel like I’m on the other side of the food struggle now. I wasn’t really sure what mindfulness was and didn’t thing it was possible for me to listen to my “intuitive” wisdom. But the mindful eating skills started to help me identify habits that I created from anxiety and emotional triggers that plagued me. I’ve learned so much about myself and my relationship to food, lost some weight (although Jennifer stresses this isn’t the main focus) and continue on the mindful path daily. She’s so knowledgeable about this because she’s been through her own struggle and helps you find the silver lining in every situation. I highly recommend this Mindful Eating Program if you have dieted, struggle with body image issues, or have a tumultuous relationship with food."

The best gift I’ve given myself is the Mindful Eating Program because I finally, finally have a sense of peace around food. I can even have tempting treats in my house without them calling my name! What a miracle, I didn’t think this could be possible after struggling with diets since I was 8 years old. I was the “chubby” one in my family and was always on or off diets for over 40 years. It’s hard for me to realize that was my life for so long, but I’m happy to feel like I’m on the other side of the food struggle now. I wasn’t really sure what mindfulness was and didn’t thing it was possible for me to listen to my “intuitive” wisdom. But the daily challenges started to help me identify habits that I created from anxiety and emotional triggers that plagued me. I’ve learned so much about myself and my relationship to food, lost some weight (although Jennifer stresses this isn’t the main focus) and continue on the mindful path daily. She’s so knowledgeable about this because she’s been through her own struggle and helps you find the silver lining in every situation. I highly recommend this Program if you have dieted, struggle with body image issues, or have a tumultuous relationship with food."

"I finally, finally have a sense of peace around food.


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mindful Success Stories!

Mindful Success Story!

Kelly, Smyrna

Kelly, Smyrna

Total game changer already! I just wanted to tell you that I had my first family dinner with my parents, spouse, and 8-month old daughter last night. Usually this would have been high stress for me leading to really fast and mindless eating. Last night though I was the last one done with my meal, savored every bite, and got to actually enjoy the meal. What a gift!!! Truly has never ever happened before and we’re only a week into it! WOW!"

The daily challenges feel so well thought out and community feel so supportive for changing old diet behaviors.  

"Your mindful eating content is so good!


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Challenge Success Stories!

Mindful Success Story!

Brooke, Buckhead

Brooke, Buckhead

I saw food as my enemy and meal times as the biggest stressor in my life. That is no longer the case. Jennifer's Mindful Eating Program is the most real and best thing you can do for your body. I'm only on day 10 out of 30 and my intuitive voice is back. I feel like I'm seeing everything in a different light and it's really incredible. Almost like romanticizing your life but through body intelligence. I truly can't put into words how much this has changed my life so far. I used to be afraid to eat or not eat certain foods, for example, Fettuccine Alfredo, because of how heavy they were. Now, I can do that mindfully and in the best way possible (I know how to eat Fettuccine Alfredo now)! I quite literally dance in my seat when I take a bite of food and use Jennifer's techniques. Literally. And most importantly, I feel so satisfied and happy after every meal. This program doesn't only apply to eating or food, but to yourself. It'll teach you how to slow down. How to truly listen to your body and not what society is telling you. And as I'm slowly trying to learn through this program, what it means to truly love yourself. And that doesn't mean feeling pretty everyday or ready to always tackle everything head on, but as Jennifer says, sometimes it's just placing your hands on your stomach, closing your eyes, and thanking every organ for keeping you going through this whirlwind of life. Take care of your body by doing this program. You won't regret it and your life will be made so much better and, of course, more mindful."

I saw food as my enemy and meal times as the biggest stressor in my life. That is no longer the case. Jennifer's Mindful Program is the most real and best thing you can do for your body. I'm only on day 10 out of 30 and my intuitive voice is back. I feel like I'm seeing everything in a different light and it's really incredible. Almost like romanticizing your life but through body intelligence. I truly can't put into words how much this has changed my life so far. I used to be afraid to eat or not eat certain foods, for example, Fettuccine Alfredo, because of how heavy they were. Now, I can do that mindfully and in the best way possible (I know how to eat Fettuccine Alfredo now)! I quite literally dance in my seat when I take a bite of food and use Jennifer's techniques. Literally. And most importantly, I feel so satisfied and happy after every meal. This program doesn't only apply to eating or food, but to yourself. It'll teach you how to slow down. How to truly listen to your body and not what society is telling you. And as I'm slowly trying to learn through this Program, what it means to truly love yourself. And that doesn't mean feeling pretty everyday or ready to always tackle everything head on, but as Jennifer says, sometimes it's just placing your hands on your stomach, closing your eyes, and thanking every organ for keeping you going through this whirlwind of life. Take care of your body by doing this Mindful Eating Program. You won't regret it and your life will be made so much better and, of course, more mindful."

"I lost my "intuitive eating voice" for about two years... 


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mindful Success Stories!

Mindful Success Story!

Holly, Oregon

Holly, Oregon

Working with Jennifer during the Mindful Eating Program has changed my relationship with food!  I nourish my body and listen to what I truly need and want instead of grabbing for whatever is there or my usual go to food.  I don't judge my food choices or have to eat everything on my plate anymore.  I eat when I know I need to nourish my body when I'm hungry and eat what I want in moderation.  This is a BIG change.  Food is my friend, not my enemy.  I don't eat perfect mindfully; that's ok.  I'm continuing to learn.  Mindful eating skills are gifts that keep on giving and teaching as I go along this wonderful journey!  If I could sum up mindful eating in one word, it would be total FOOD FREEDOM!"

Working with Jennifer during the program has changed my relationship with food! I nourish my body and listen to what I truly need and want instead of grabbing for whatever is there or my usual go to food. I don't judge my food choices or have to eat everything on my plate anymore. I eat when I know I need to nourish my body when I'm hungry and eat what I want in moderation. This is a BIG change. Food is my friend, not my enemy. I don't eat perfect mindfully; that's ok. I'm continuing to learn. Mindful eating skills are gifts that keep on giving and teaching as I go along this wonderful journey! If I could sum up mindful eating in one word, it would be total FOOD FREEDOM!"

"Life is way too short to be at war with food & your body! 

"Life is way too short to be at war with food & your body! 


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mindful Success Stories!

Mindful Success Story!

Pam, Loganville

Pam, Loganville

and I continue to learn more about myself and health as I accept myself gradually. I understand myself better, love myself and my body more. I acknowledge what is happening in my mind and body. I try new things, award my successes, and use my fails to grow. I am going to use the mindful eating tools learned in this life-changing program forever. It has been the best psychological breakthrough ever, but it is a long term process, especially for those with many years of disordered eating and body image struggles.”  

and I continue to learn more about myself and health as I accept myself gradually. I understand myself better, love myself and my body more. I acknowledge what is happening in my mind and body (hello IBW). I try new things, award my successes, and use my fails to grow. I am going to use the mindful eating tools learned in this life-changing Mindful Eating Program forever. It has been the best psychological breakthrough ever, but it is a long term process, especially for those with many years of disordered eating and body image struggles.”  

"The mindful eating skills I learned in this Program is part of my daily life...

"The mindful eating skills I learned in the Program is part of my daily life...


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mindful Success Stories!

Mindful Success Story!

Patricia, Arizona

Patricia, Arizona 

and see, so when presented with this opportunity to learn new strategies for mindful eating, I jumped. I wanted to finally put myself first. It was so hard to teach an old dog new tricks, but there I was learning new tricks. Through the Mindful Eating Program, I was able to revisit strategies that I had learned in my sessions with my own nutritionist, but had gotten lax in using, and I also learned some new strategies to help me slow down and be mindful of what foods I am choosing or how quickly I was eating. There were some skills that reminded me of habits I developed during childhood which brought me a bit of enjoyment because I had to think strategically about how I would eat certain foods. This program made me pay attention to the foods I was putting into my body and listen to my stomach to really know if I was hungry or just bored. I was not perfect in the 30 days. Life certainly has a way of pushing to the front, even when you are trying to focus on yourself. I would highly recommend Jennifer’s Mindful Eating Program to anyone looking to recenter themselves with regards to their eating habits. If you are open to trying anything with an honest effort, you may just find yourself surprised at how you can change yourself in just a short 30 days!”

and see, so when presented with this opportunity to learn new strategies for mindful eating, I jumped. I wanted to finally put myself first. It was so hard to teach an old dog new tricks, but there I was learning new tricks. Through the Mindful Eating Program, I was able to revisit strategies that I had learned in my sessions with my own nutritionist, but had gotten lax in using, and I also learned some new strategies to help me slow down and be mindful of what foods I am choosing or how quickly I was eating. There were some mindful skills that reminded me of habits I developed during childhood which brought me a bit of enjoyment because I had to think strategically about how I would eat certain foods. This program made me pay attention to the foods I was putting into my body and listen to my stomach to really know if I was hungry or just bored. I was not perfect. Life certainly has a way of pushing to the front, even when you are trying to focus on yourself. I would highly recommend Jennifer’s Mindful Eating Program to anyone looking to recenter themselves with regards to their eating habits. If you are open to trying anything with an honest effort, you may just find yourself surprised at how you can change yourself in just a short 30 days!”

"As a teacher, I have always been open to teaching my students new ways to learn...


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mindful Success Stories!

Mindful Success Story!

RH, San Francisco

RH, San Francisco

I have struggled for most of my life with sugar cravings, eating as an antidote to stress or boredom whether or not Im hungry, eating to the point of being overfull (was mostly at restaurants or in social situations). The skills that I learned through the Mindful Eating Program have helped me understand my eating behavior drivers and stop them, but still enjoying food more than ever. The mindful eating principles I adopted have enabled me to eat more healthfully and truly enjoy food on another level! Thank you Jennifer! P.S. Although I did this program to develop a healthier relationship with food rather than to lose weight, I am now a few pounds lighter, probably because I have learned to pay attention to my body and (most of the time) eat when I'm hungry, and stop before I am overfull!"

I have struggled for most of my life with sugar cravings, eating as an antidote to stress or boredom whether or not Im hungry, eating to the point of being overfull (was mostly at restaurants or in social situations). The skills that I learned through the Program have helped me understand my eating behavior drivers and stop them, but still enjoying food more than ever. The mindful eating principles I adopted have enabled me to eat more healthfully and truly enjoy food on another level! Thank you Jennifer! P.S. Although I did this program to develop a healthier relationship with food rather than to lose weight, I am now a few pounds lighter, probably because I have learned to pay attention to my body and (most of the time) eat when Im hungry, and stop before I am overfull!"

"I just completed the Program and it was truly transformative for me!


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mindful Success Stories!

Mindful Success Story!

Lucy, Buckhead

Lucy, Buckhead 

I stopped when my full signals talked to me and breakfast AND lunch! I noticed my stop sign is taking a deep breath. Usually I just power through because eating is a pleasure. But you know what? So is not feeling stuffed at the end!"  

I stopped when my full signals talked to me and breakfast AND lunch! I noticed my stop sign is taking a deep breath. Usually I just power through because eating is a pleasure. But you know what? So is not feeling stuffed at the end!"  

"Mindfulness WIN!


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mindful Success Stories!

Mindful Success Story!

Lee, Virginia 

Lee, Virginia

Eating is something we all do everyday, yet if you're anything like me, you may not have been present and may not have had a clue as to why or what you were even eating. Surrounded by limitless distractions, most of us eat without acknowledging the experience and later wonder why we feel bad or why we are yet again hungry.  Jennifer has drilled down the practice of mindfulness and applied it to eating.  With her abundant knowledge and deeply thoughtful way, she gives you the tools to build a healthy relationship with food. What could be more important?  Thank you, Jennifer, for a wonderful program and an even greater journey!!"

This program is a wonderful investment in yourself! Eating is something we all do everyday, yet if you're anything like me, you may not have been present and may not have had a clue as to why or what you were even eating. Surrounded by limitless distractions, most of us eat without acknowledging the experience and later wonder why we feel bad or why we are yet again hungry. Jennifer has drilled down the practice of mindfulness and applied it to eating. With her abundant knowledge and deeply thoughtful way, she gives you the tools to build a healthy relationship with food. What could be more important? Thank you, Jennifer, for a wonderful program and an even greater journey!!"

"This Mindful Eating Program is a wonderful investment in yourself!


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mindful Success Stories!

Mindful Success Story!

DC, Atlanta

DC, Atlanta 

I needed the daily mindful eating reminders. I’m so thankful for this Program! Just wanted to send you a thank you!"

I needed the daily mindful eating reminders. I’m so thankful for this program! Just wanted to send you a thank you!"

"NOT being on a diet is revolutionary!


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mindful Success Stories!

Program Success Story!

Dr. Jenn, Woodstock

Dr. Jenn, Woodstock 

I am still using the mindful eating principles and wisdom I learned in the Mindful Eating Program and six month later I've lost 22 pounds doing all the mindful eating skills I learned that made the biggest difference with my mindless eating behaviors and habits."

I am still practicing the mindful eating principles and wisdom I learned in the April Program and six month later I've lost 22 pounds.  I'm doing all the mindful eating skills I learned that made the biggest difference with my mindless eating behaviors and habits."

"This isn't a weight loss challenge but I lost 22 pounds.


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mindful Success Stories!

Mindful Success Story!

       FROM JENNIFER: I can "Hnat" stress this enough, your weight will naturally fluctuate throughout your life. If you come into the Program expecting weight loss, you can be disappointed with your results. This Program is not designed for weight loss but it can happen to some people based on their current eating habits. This is perhaps the most crucial aspect of the work I do with clients to understand the long-term damage weight loss expectation can do. The goal is to listen to and honor your body which might influence your weight... or not.

Lenzie, Atlanta

Lenzie, Atlanta

and nuts for breakfast!  Three years ago all of those foods would have been sworn off due to being too  much (insert diet restriction and "Intermittent Fasting")... it was so nice to be eating breakfast with carbohydrates and dairy and some sugar without feeling food guilt!  You helped me so much with that through your Mindful Eating Program and Elevate Support Group that I thought of you while eating and recognizing the positive changes that have taken place with my relationship with food." 

and nuts for breakfast! Three years ago all of those foods would have been sworn off due to being too much (insert diet restriction and "Intermittent Fasting")... it was so nice to be eating breakfast with carbohydrates and dairy and some sugar without feeling food guilt! You helped me so much with that through your Mindful Eating Program and Elevate Support Group that I thought of you while eating and recognizing the positive changes that have taken place with my relationship with food." 

"I was sitting on the front porch at 8am eating a bowl of yogurt with granola ...


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mindful Success Stories!

Mindful Success Story!

Sydney, Morningside

Sydney, Morningside

and your writing for day 2 and the emotional eating is me me me. Mindlessly eating the kids snacks around 2PM before they come home and then again right before dinner around 5:30. Mostly not being hungry - mindless snacking on any type of goldfish including the cupcake flavored ones and also crackers, pretzels etc. and it’s very hard to stop it once it starts. By dinner, I’m not hungry but eat the meal anyway. I’m looking forward to understanding this behavior more as we progress through this 30 days. I’ve lost 60 pounds three times in my lifetime and I would love to have a healthier relationship with my body, spirit, and food. Thank you Jennifer for creating this space for us, I’m so grateful!"

and your writing for day 2 and the emotional eating is me me me. Mindlessly eating the kids snacks around 2PM before they come home and then again right before dinner around 5:30. Mostly not being hungry - mindless snacking on any type of goldfish including the cupcake flavored ones and also crackers, pretzels etc. and it’s very hard to stop it once it starts. By dinner, I’m not hungry but eat the meal anyway. I’m looking forward to understanding this behavior more as we progress through this 30 days. I’ve lost 60 pounds three times in my lifetime and I would love to have a healthier relationship with my body, spirit, and food. Thank you Jennifer for creating this space for us, I’m so grateful!"

"Wow, your Program content is spot on... 


And feeling down about my weight. When I first met Jennifer she told me I will never have to diet or weigh myself again. This was music to my ears, no more dieting! She explained the healthy living plan designed especially for me (no one plan fits all like most diets).  I am a very picky eater with medical issues; Jennifer put together a plan that would work well for me. She explained portion sizes based on my health concern, how to listen to my body, and delicious recipes. I was never hungry after balanced meals. The first week I lost weight (Jennifer stressed is just a bonus). Within a couple of weeks, I no longer craved sweets. Something I thought was impossible! Jennifer was very thorough and truly cares about her clients. She is passionate about healthy living and it shows. I couldn't have reached my goal without Jennifer’s help. Thank you!”

I contacted Jennifer because I was tired of yo-yo dieting...

Mary Ann, Yelp Review

She listened and immediately made me feel comfortable and at ease with her. She is extremely knowledgeable about the science of nutrition and how it affects our bodies. As I answered her questions, she almost immediately was able to pinpoint my eating patterns and what was missing from my diet, including what food groups, timing of meals, calories in vs. calories out, etc. When I would answer her questions, Jennifer would explain a pattern or reasoning for something, and I always found my head nodding because she hit the nail on the head.  I could go on and on, but I will just say that if you are looking for help with your diet or way of eating, contact Jennifer and you will be glad you did!

I met with Jennifer today and can't say enough about her!  

Aditaya, Google Review

I was diabetic, had high cholesterol, LDL & triglyceride levels. I was determined to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and motivated to change my diet and lifestyle. Three months after following my customized Nutrition Atlanta health plan my blood work showed a radical improvement. My 12/2019 lab results: A1C down from 6.9% to 5.7% in just three months!  Total cholesterol down from 250mg/dL to 199mg/dL; Triglycerides slashed in half from 326 to 167; LDL decreased from 134 to 117; And ALT down a bit from 47 to 44. This gives me the motivation to continue this healthy trend! Thanks for all your thorough nutrition guidance, recipes and help Jennifer, I will avoid medication after changing my diet and lifestyle!! ”

“I recently had a disturbing visit with my doctor and was told I would have to go on medication.

Mindful Success Stories!

Mindful Success Story

It's time to repair your relationship with food and join the Mindful Eating Program!

Tired of the food struggle?



Success doesn't happen overnight so let's get started and tap into your
{IBW} so you can crack your Unique Food Code™ asap!  Get ready to
experience legit food freedom, body peace, and see your success story here!

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