Adrenaline junkie from birth

Dieting became my gateway drug to binging with a toxic ripple effect that tormented me for decades.  Diet after diet eventually led me down the extreme wellness rabbit hole as a desperate way to balance my belly issues, food habits, and ultimately to manipulate my metabolism.

I struggled and suffered with striking a balanced and flexible approach towards sustainable food habits and body trust. 

In full disclosure, I was in a series of on/off diet for over two decades before doing a deep dive into mindful + intentional eating. Thankfully, I have finally found food + body peace.

The mindful path requires pure trust and surrender to the process, but in the end it was the only way to break out of a multi-decade of diet prison and my disordered behaviors. 

My passion is to help you divorce yourself from diets, repair your relationship with food, and reconnect to what I've coined as your Intelligent Belly Wisdom™ {IBW} so that you can crack your Unique Food Code™ (another term I've created!)

This personal blueprint guides you to nourish your body based on your innate wisdom and lifestyle needs. By tuning into your body and tuning out all the diet noise, you allow the body to guide you with what feels good and can hear it say "more of this, less of that."  

Don't waste anymore time dieting, your new life is waiting...

My GI issues started at birth. Knowing what I know now, I'd diagnose myself with a dairy intolerance that led to chronic GI issues, sinus infections, and recurring strep throat. 

Annual rounds of penicillin flatlined my healthy gut bacteria and lead to insatiable cravings for sweets. One Halloween I had EIGHT cavities and traumatic dental visits. 

Even though I grew up in a family with thin privilege, I still compared my boy-shaped body to the sexy models in Cosmopolitan magazine. "If I could look like them then my life would be perfect", was the lie I fed myself.

My kismet food journey kickstarted at 16, living with family on diets made me question my choices. I recognized, "wow fruit for breakfast gives me energy and feels GOOD in my body instead of pastries."

While this newfound inner awareness and body connection was intriguing, I was seduced by the diet promise to solve my body dysmorphia. Innocently flirting with restrictive eating led to binging behaviors. I never recognized the intimate link until researching the biology of binging.

Me on Fox5 Atlanta chatting 'bout my fave thing... food!

I'm an Atlanta native born on Peachtree Street during happy hour on a Friday night. An unconventional blend of bougie + boho with a Southern heart and quick wit who loves using food and laughter as medicine. I support local organic farms, prep high-vibe, eco-conscious, plant-focused meals, rescue Boxers, recycle and compost, live to snowboard across the globe with my other half while creating long-lasting #FondFoodMemories.  The wisdom gleaned from my past toxic food struggles helps me compassionately guide you to food freedom and body peace!  

I'm an Atlanta native born on Peachtree Street during happy hour on a Friday night. An unconventional blend of bougie + boho with a Southern heart and quick wit who loves using food and laughter as medicine. 

I support local organic farms, prep high-vibe, plant-focused meals, rescue Boxers, recycle and compost, live to snowboard across the globe with my other half while creating #FondFoodMemories. The wisdom gleaned from my past toxic food struggles helps me lovingly guide you to food freedom and body peace!  

My grandmother emphasized the importance of eating nourishing, good-for-you food. Not from a diet or weight loss perspective, but from the lens of giving your body nutrient-dense foods to support your energy needs and to build a strong body. She also was a fan of eating a variety of foods that tasted good in a joyful environment. BTW she made a killer homemade-from-scratch cheesecake!

Food is fuel for the body, but it is also important for celebration, connection, community, heritage, joy, sorrow and a lot of emotions in between.

Dieting and restricting our favorite foods can create a "good" food vs. "bad" food mentality, causing us to disconnect from our hunger cues in an effort to lose weight. Eventually this creates a black and white food situation: you are either "good" on your diet or "bad" when you eat your favorite foods.

You can adopt an all foods can fit philosophy by tuning into your Intelligent Belly Wisdom™ and divorcing yourself from unsustainable diet habits. After decades of yo-yo dieting, the peace I feel around food is mind-blowing! My only regret is that I didn't start this food journey sooner!

Food Philosophy



For our 10 year anniversary we went nuts dining at Michelin Star restaurants for lunch AND dinner.  The day, meal, memories, & location was MAGIC.

Chez Vrony {zermatt}

My Top 5 Fond Food Memories


Jean-Georges epicurean, world class restaurant is sadly closed.  THE BEST Sake & Miso Black Cod EVER.  Stumbled out bloated & giddy.  And broke.

Eden Rock {st. barth} 


Actually I have 5 fave restaurants in A-town. Bosq takes the cake for original items & creating dishes where you can curate the best bite over & over...

Bosq {aspen}


Repeat after me... BEST chocolate milkshake EVER. We stumbled into this gem post Jacques Cousteau museum {another gem}.  So much for dairy allergy.

Chocolaterie de Monaco


EPIC evening with my beloved cousin. I'm a sucker for table side martini's but table side ice cream (!!) with caramel sauce?  I died a thousands deaths...

Born & Raised {san diego}

scroll here

Welcome back to UGA for dietetic coursework so I can apply for a clinical dietetic internship {like a short medical residency}.  High stress = lack of appetite.



YAS!  Finally matched with Augusta Area Dietetic Internship!  Only 50% of dietetic students get matched... it's so competitive!




Graduated AADI + moved back to Atlanta + studied non-stop for 3 months.  Passed national exam (!) and officially became a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist!  WHEW!





Dietitian at Shepherd Center then Wellstar Hospital in Bariatrics while hustling to build private practice at night + weekends.






*BIG* leap of faith to full-time in my practice!  Created Mindful Eating Program + more. Join me in food + body freedom!


This is what it really looked like...

My journey to become a dietitian

Jennifer's Weight Inclusivity Statement

Food does not "Hnat" have to be complicated. But it can be when you fall for trendy fad diets, listen to unqualified social media influencers, and disconnect from your "Intelligent Belly Wisdom™" {IBW}. The reality is no one knows how food feels in your body except for you.  

My professional dieting career innocently started at age sixteen. Over time I discovered that a plant-based diet helped my digestive issues and energy levels. But I also developed the "clean-eating" wellness diet disorder called

Food does not "Hnat" have to be complicated. But it can be when you fall for trendy fad diets, listen to unqualified social media influencers, and disconnect from your "Intelligent Belly Wisdom™" {IBW}. The reality is no one knows how food feels in your body except for you.  

My professional dieting career innocently started at age sixteen. Over time I discovered that a plant-based diet helped my digestive issues and energy levels. But I also developed the "clean-eating" wellness diet disorder called

orthorexia. Eventually I was o.v.e.r. the emotional, mental, physical, and psychological eating behaviors I had to juggle to manage my dietary dogma + "ideal" body weight.  Once I adopted and committed to a more balanced approach with mindful, intuitive + intentional eating,  I deleted the abusive, restrictive diet behaviors I thought were my saviors.  My goal and joy is to help guide you towards that innate, inner knowingness.  When you reconnect to YOUR body and your {IBW}, pure magic happens and I love to watch this evolution take place! 

orthorexia. Eventually I was o.v.e.r. the emotional, mental, physical, and psychological eating behaviors I had to juggle to manage my dietary dogma + "ideal" body weight.  Once I adopted and committed to a more balanced approach with mindful, intuitive + intentional eating,  I deleted the abusive, restrictive diet behaviors I thought were my saviors.  My goal and joy is to help guide you towards that innate, inner knowingness.  When you reconnect to YOUR body and your {IBW}, pure magic happens and I love to watch this evolution!

Jennifer's Nutrition Credo

VEGAN AND LIVE FOOD NUTRITION MASTERS: University for integrative learning 


I've been fascinated with the role of food and how it impacts the human body since high school, but took an unconventional route to become a dietitian! The biggest shift that I've made for my delicate GI system and eco-friendly ethics is to include a high volume and variety of fiber-rich, nutrient-dense, energizing leafy greens, starchy and non-starchy vegetables, an assortment of fruits and whole grains, beans,  and legumes. My GI loves and resonates with what feels like "high-vibe" foods in my body with ample room for more fun, flexible ones to create balance, joy, and sustainability. Zero food rules!!!

RDN: My Unorthodox Journey  


Next life wish: professional snowboarder or tennis star

Naratajasana or Dancer's Pose = fave yoga posture.
I have hundreds of pics like this from al over the globe!

We love to rescue boxers and Kingston is our third













There's more, A few random facts...

nutrition atlanta 

read more

HSP's are Highly Sensitive People with attuned nervous systems. We tend to feel deeply, notice the energy of people or a room, need time alone, and feel deeply connected to animals since they can help regulate our nervous system. While it can feel like a curse, it's actually a gift!

As someone with a sensitive GI system, I experimented with many diets trying to find the one for me. And while I fell down the clean eating rabbit hole in search of weight loss and optimal health, I discovered that my body and belly prefer energizing, fiver-rich, high-vibe foods kissed by the sun.

I have a flexible lifestyle that allows me to feel into what my body needs and I honor that which includes a balanced, whole food diet rich in fruit, vegetables, whole grain breads and pastas, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, and a lot of leafy greens.

Not only does this align with my eco-conscious vibe, but my digestive system feels better when I eat a high-fiber diet. I honor the kid in me who loved sweets and enjoy them mindfully, savoring them on another level.

If you're a HSP you might have a sensitive digestive system that could use a little TLC. Mindful eating can help you discover what foods feel good in your body while we delete any restrictive eating behaviors. Restrictive diets are boring. Flexibility is COOL!

Empathic HSP?

Did you know I'm an

Our mission is to help you liberate yourself from the restrictive chains of dieting, enjoy eating again, and make peace with your amazing          .

Dream Team




Kay & Tina


Click their adorb faces to peep my crew!


This dynamic duo of health care specialists are in charge of verifying your insurance benefits prior to your initial nutrition appointment.  They contact insurance companies to verify coverage and work to ensure that your health care benefits cover appointments and lab tests with Jennifer.  This mother and daughter team are valuable members helping to maximize your insurance benefits for your optimal nutrition journey with Jennifer!

Kay & Tina

Insurance verification SPECIALISTS


Matt Ackerman aka "Ack" is one hilarious, high-quality human with an eye for detail and a keen ability for capturing precious moments in time behind the lens.  Our photo and video sessions start out professional and serious, then quickly turn to belly laughs while quoting cult movie lines.  His kids probably don't know how lucky they since their life is being snapped by a well-curated visionary.  This is the man you want to travel with since he's also a great chef!

Matt Ackerman

photog extraordinaire


Timothee is responsible for providing constructive feedback on the health-inspired recipes before they land on the Nutrition Atlanta social media, blog or in NA Recipe E-books.  Not only does he have a seasoned palate, but also he's a highly skilled chiropractor, snowboarding aficionado, and lucky man who's taste buds are graced with Jennifer's plant-focused kitchen creations.  The pictures of Jennifer in Naratajasana on the beach in Cannes or the Louvre is curtesy of Timothee's very patient(!), detail-oriented camera skills.  


OFFICIAL RECIPE TESTER + social media photog


Named after the city in Jamaica, Kingston looks like a tiger with hyena ears.  His favorite activities include laying in front of the warm oven while Jennifer is testing out new muffin recipes, cleaning crumbs off dishes and the floor, or chasing squirrels in Piedmont park.  If you're a virtual NA client, Kingston is likely resting under Jennifer's feet during your appointment.  He is frequently showcased on NA social media posts and loves going to the Freedom Farmers Market on Saturday mornings for free pets from friendly people.  

Kingston "The King"

Kitchen companion and crumb cleaner

Success doesn't happen overnight so let's get started and tap into your
{IBW} so you can crack your Unique Food Code™ asap!  Get ready to
experience legit food freedom and body peace!

Ready to work with me?

nutrition atlanta 


We believe that conscious stewardship of the environment, humanity, and animal welfare is essential to a sustainable coexistence on earth.  A portion of Nutrition Atlanta's annual revenue as well as a portion of each guided Mindful Eating Program is donated to a worthy cause as our way of giving back.

We believe that conscious stewardship of the environment, humanity, and animal welfare is essential to a sustainable coexistence on earth.  A portion of Nutrition Atlanta's annual revenue as well as a portion of each guided Mindful Eating Program is donated to a worthy cause as our way of giving back.



- university of Oregon

Research conducted by the University of Oregon


Blogging on my website is clunky. Often times I want to write about the other crazy curve-balls life can throw us in addition to my expertise in mindful eating and nutrition. Like that time my last name saved me from a speeding ticket!

Enter Medium. Medium is an easy-to-blog online resource where you can read interesting articles about life, health, self-improvement, mindfulness, travel, and more.

I am in the process of writing my first book about my in depth and personal experiences of dieting, falling down the wellness rabbit hole, and then repairing my relationship with food by adopting mindful and intuitive eating skills. Pregnant with this food wisdom for 20+ years, now it's time to share a candid journey of how to delete diet behaviors and create a balanced and intentional approach towards food + life!

Follow Jennifer over on Medium

Nutrition Atlanta is located at:

Atlanta Medical Clinic
197 14th StREET NW
Suite 300
ATlanta, GA 30318

pro tip: save our location in your phone including NW to arrive at correct building - please take the elevator to the 3rd floor. 

Jennifer acknowledges the injustices that indigenous people have experienced and continue to face in the United States. We acknowledge the land that our office occupies as the ancestral and traditional homelands of the Muscogee people. We honor and pay respect to all indigenous people by recognizing their relationship with this sacred land we are privileged to serve our clients on. With deep and sincere reverence, Aho.
