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Goji Dusted Chocolate Fudge Brownie Truffles



Happy Valentine’s Day 365 days a year! I topped these with beet powder.

Happy Valentine’s Day 365 days a year! I topped these with beet powder.





If you love ooey-gooey chocolate brownie treats, I promise these are worth making. You probably have the ingredients in your house right now. Go ahead and check, I’ll be waiting for you…

Just 7 easy ingredients for a chocolate heaven decadent treat you won’t believe is dairy free, gluten free and plant-focused.

These are topped with Goji berry powder that didn’t blend down very well in the K-Tec but it doesn’t matter, they taste DELISH!

These are topped with Goji berry powder that didn’t blend down very well in the K-Tec but it doesn’t matter, they taste DELISH!

Recently made these scrumptious treats for a Nutrition Atlanta Cacao workshop and the group couldn’t believe that they were made with plants (cashews and dates) because they look so fancy.

Anyone else love the organic look ? I actually like that they are HNAT perfect looking that they vary in size, and the chocolate is not/Hnat a smooth texture either.

This takes the pressure off you – focus on letting them turn into whatever you desire.

I hope you LOVE this brownie treat. It’s




Naturally sweetened with fiber-rich dates (I love to use the caramel-tasting deglets instead of medjool)

and sooooooooooo good!

Double the batch and store some in the freezer for when that chocolate craving strikes. Personally I love to enjoy mindfully as an afternoon snack with a cup of hot herbal tea!

But really they’re perfect ANY time.

Can’t get enough…

Can’t get enough…




2 cups raw cashews*

1 ½ c pitted dates

½ cup cashew milk or milk of choice

1 cup cacoa powder* (or cocoa powder)

2 Tablespoons protein powder

8-10 oz dark chocolate, chopped

1-2 Tablespoons goji powder, beet powder, or freeze dried strawberries or raspberries 


  1. Line a baking sheet with parchment. Set aside.

  2. In food processor or high speed blender, process cashews to a fine crumble. Add sea salt, pitted dates, cashew milk, and cocoa powder – process to combine.

  3. Using hands, scoop uniform size amounts of the mixture – between one inch and a golf ball – roll into a ball and place on a baking sheet with parchment (parchment is useful later for the melted chocolate). Transfer truffle balls to fridge to ‘set’ – at least one hour. I pressed the dough into a parchment-lined loaf pan and added to the fridge. After it set, I removed and cut the dough “loaf” into 2×1 inch pieces using a big knife to make rectangular shaped truffles. Square ones would be fun too, then you’d have more truffles!

  4. If using beet or goji powder, skip this step. Meanwhile, place freeze dried strawberry or raspberries in ziplock baggie. Using a rolling pin or side of a glass, crush berries into a dust. Set aside for garnish.

  5. In small saucepan over lowest heat, melt chopped chocolate. 

  6. Using a fork so excess chocolate will drip off, dip each truffle in the melted chocolate. Return truffle to parchment, immediately sprinkle with goji, beet or berry dust. Repeat with remaining truffles. 

  7. Allow truffles to dry/set on the counter if the house is cool. Store in refrigerator, but remove at least 30 minutes before serving – the brownie texture and the flavors are much better at room temperature. 

  8. Store extras in the freezer if you doubled the batch and defrost 30 minutes before eating!

*JENNIFER’S NOTES:  purchase cashew pieces in bulk; they are less expensive. You can use cocoa powder for this recipe but my tastebuds are a BIG fan of nutrient-dense cacao powder. You get more antioxidants + minerals, it’s less processed, higher in protein + fat, and is just DELICIOUS. I’m a fan of Mamapacha Cacao brand. So many brands are overpriced but Mamapacha not only tastes really good, it’s affordable.

Here’s a breakdown of 1 oz (28 grams) of cacao vs. cocoa powder and processed chocolates.



I was a little intimidated by the number of steps and the process of these, but have just fun. They might not turn out “perfect” but it doesn’t matter because they taste amazing.

I hope you enjoy these as much as we have!





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