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Atlanta’s Secret Weapon Workout: PLATE SCULPT



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This past weekend I was scrolling around on my ClassPass app to find a new workout I could sink my quads into.  My goal is to stay on top of all the fun, new fitness classes that Atlanta boutique gyms offer so that I can recommend them to clients based on their goals and needs.  And that keeps me busy visiting a LOT of studios!  I also love meeting the energetic instructors and creative owners to learn more about and support their business as well as sneak in a great workout when my schedule allows.  So if I haven’t been to your studio in forever, I apologize and really do miss you! 

So while on ClassPass my eye spotted a Sculpt Strong class on the Power Plate and quite frankly, I was intrigued.  Suddenly I flashed back to a magazine article (yes, it was probably People Magazine) about how Madonna swore by Power Plate workouts years and years ago for her killer arms and I had always wanted to try one.  So finally, there was an Atlanta studio near my office who was teaching classes using the Power Plates on ClassPass.  Bonus.  I have to admit, I was skeptical that I could get a good sweat sesh in 30 minutes but I decided to give it a go.

The studio is located on Howell Mill Road, right next to Fellini’s pizza on the corner of Howell Mill and Collier Road. It’s actually inside Power Circuit Fitness gym in the basement of the building right next to Fellini’s.  Note that parking is behind the building.

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So I walked in and the friendly owner and instructor, Susan King, welcomed and escorted me to the private Power Plate studio in the back of the gym called Plate Sculpt. An intimate and boutique-like space with 5 swanky Power Plate machines, weights, and other fun workout accoutrements. Thankful to arrive early, I got a full lesson in the vibrating Power Plates and the class structure.  Say hello to your muscles twitching on overtime 40 times quicker than regular exercise, making them fatigue faster, increasing bone density and a list of other health bonuses. 

Since I recently injured my wrist, I told Susan about my acute stress fracture. She showed me modified moves and tested my wrist strength with a variety of weights so I didn’t cause any further soft tissue damage. Hint: always always speak up and inform instructors of any injuries before class!  

Class started at 9:15am promptly and we got right to work!

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Like I said, I had my doubts about a 30-minute vibrating plate class making me feel like I got in a solid workout. Boy was I wrong! We went through a variety of challenging upper and lower body movements with Susan correcting form and pushing us to get the most out of each exercise.  Unfortunately I was only fueled by a hard-boiled egg and a small spoon of sunflower butter which I would quickly recognize was a big mistake.  And next class I will make sure to properly fuel UP with some quick burning carbs (think fruit, oatmeal, fruit and protein smoothie) so I can push myself a lot more!

Less than twenty minutes in, I was sweaty, really fatigued and quite frankly hooked (just for the record it takes a LOT to make me sweat, think hot yoga class or HIIT class).  I can tell that my core is in need of more Power Plate attention — I’m excited and ready for my next experience.  No two classes are the same, she is constantly creating new sequencing so it never gets boring.  Other Power Plate classes include:  Basic Sculpt, TRX Sculpt, HIIT Sculpt, Cellulite Blast and Sculpt Recovery (interesting) and the awesome class I took, Sculpt Strong.  Definitely want to try the challenging TRX and HIIT classes! Check out the Plate Sculpt class descriptions here.

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After class I spoke with Susan and this woman is the real deal. She loves teaching strong fit women but especially loves working with exercise newbies and gets so much joy helping people who struggle with their weight.  Like me, she is in the flow when her clients see progress and feel better in their bodies – a true kindred spirit! We connected over our past struggles with sugar (agh!) and weight. Looking at her amazing sculpted arms, you would never think that she ever had a weight issue. But knowing that now makes her so down to earth and relatable. She’s awesomely real.

Susan did warn us that the Power Plate workout is deceiving, reminding us to drink a ton of water afterwards and that it is normal to experience muscle fatigue and/or soreness in a day or two.  I must be in trouble because after my day of clients, I can already feel that my legs need some serious fuel. Tonight it’s my favorite gluten-free Explore Asian chickpea pasta (great source of plant-based protein), ground turkey or maybe my favorite fermented tofu, with my favorite Field Day Organics Arribbiata spicy pasta sauce and ton’s of veggies!

Super excited to collaborate on a fun fitness and nutrition Fall event at Plate Sculpt so check my blog and social media for updates cuz I’m slightly addicted to Insta if you haven’t noticed. Shoot me a text or shout out if you want to come experience this full body and booty-blasting workout together – I’m always game!!! Check out Plate Sculpt’s schedule here and for a free class sign up, select First Time and enter promo code SCULPTSTRONG.  Remember there is 5 to a class, I’d love to take a class with you then we can do lunch at Sama Food for Balance in Buckhead or Upbeet on the Westside. Maybe we should just collab with Sama for our fall get together and make it the perfect trifecta event!

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